Capital Campaign Gift Agreement

A capital campaign gift agreement is a legally binding document between a nonprofit organization and a donor. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the donation, including the amount of the gift, the payment schedule, and any restrictions or designations on the use of the funds.

Capital campaigns are an essential fundraising strategy for nonprofits, allowing them to make significant investments in new programs or facilities. A gift agreement is an essential component of any capital campaign, as it ensures that both the donor and the organization are on the same page regarding the terms of the donation.

The gift agreement should include a detailed description of the project or program that the funds will support. This can include information on the goals of the program, the expected outcomes, and the timeline for implementation. It should also outline any reporting requirements, including regular updates on the progress of the project and how the funds are being used.

In addition to the project details, the gift agreement should also define the terms of the donation itself. This can include information on the payment schedule, including the amount and timing of each installment. It should also specify whether the gift is a one-time donation or a multi-year pledge, and whether any conditions or restrictions apply.

One common restriction that donors may place on their gift is a designation for a specific purpose. This could include funding for a particular program or project, or a restriction on the use of the funds for certain expenses. The gift agreement should outline these restrictions clearly, so that both the donor and the organization are aware of their obligations.

Finally, the gift agreement should include language on the consequences of non-compliance. This could include provisions for returning the funds if the project is not completed as expected, or penalties for failing to meet reporting requirements. These provisions help ensure that both parties are accountable for their obligations under the agreement.

In summary, a capital campaign gift agreement is an essential tool for nonprofits seeking to raise funds through a capital campaign. It outlines the terms and conditions of the donation and ensures that both the donor and the organization are on the same page regarding the use of the funds. By carefully crafting a gift agreement, nonprofits can build strong relationships with their donors and make meaningful investments in their missions.